Are teens reading?

A lot of people are under the impression that teens simply dont read like they used to.  In my opinion, although there are certainly plenty of outside influences that can drag teens away from a good book, I feel that with the availability of E-Readers and free apps the number of teens reading has actually increased.  Pair that along with a surge of fantastic books in the young adult genre, there are hoards of teens becoming re-enthused with books.

Is this what your local bookstore looks like? I know I’ve been in several with VERY low stock in the teen section.

Harry Potter.  Twilight.  The Hunger Games.  City of Bones.  Divergent.  Beautiful Creatures.  The list goes on and on with well written, high paced, adrenaline laced fantasy books that have hit both physical and virtual shelves. With the help of Amazon and the far reach of IBooks, teens all over the world are rediscovering their passion.

As a young adult author this makes me smile.  Nothing makes me happier than when I receive an email from a teen who says that one of my books inspired them not only to start reading but also many to start writing.  That’s what it’s all about.  Giving back so the love of the written word keeps going.

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