My Story

Author PhotoI began writing long before I ever realized that being an author could be a career. A legit career. Not one of those fairy tale, “I wish” sort of dreams that only a handful of authors ever reach.

Like many writers, I spent most of my childhood and teen years twisting around the final chapters of some of my favorite books until I had a story that felt right to me. Back then, books were my life. I was a navy brat, an only child, and we moved around A LOT. Books were my best friends. Writing kept me sane. But it was a hobby, nothing more.

Fast forward to 2011 when I was a stay at home mom. My son and husband were my life. I spent my days silently cursing as I stepped on Lego pieces, was blurry eyed from watching the Disney channel for the millionth time and trying to pretend like I was super mom. In the end, I knew that I needed something a little more, “me” in my life, so I returned to my writing.

I never dreamed that I would actually publish a book. Heck, I didn’t know anyone who would actually care about what I had to say. But then indie publishing became a thing and I knew I had to take a chance.

Here I sit, several years later and I’ve published over 20 novels. Wow. That never ceases to amaze me.

But I haven’t just been writing. I’ve helped my husband start up his own PR firm, Red Coat PR specializing in helping other indie authors reach for their dreams. I’ve also co-founded a yearly book convention in St. Louis MO called Penned Con with over 175 authors and 1500 attendees. I’ve assisted my husband into turning a side hustle wood working business, Gone with the Grain, into a booming business. Not to mention I’m a full time homeschooling mom and business owner promoting healthy teas. And I’ve even managed to turn into a bit of an urban homesteader in all of my free time. Who would have thought this city gal could fall so madly in love with country living?

So that’s my story. Short. Sweet. The whole nut shell.

I never thought that I’d be able to turn something I love so much into an actual career, but I did. Maybe there’s something out there that you’ve been dreaming of.

Go for it! You just might surprise yourself.